It's been challenging working on another painting with watercolors. I find myself wishing I had taken a watercolor class in college so I would know more about the techniques, tools, and tips!
Last week I saw some programs on PBS that had some good beginner watercolor lessons. One is by Gary Spetz and the other is by Susan Scheewe. Check out the UNC-TV schedule here, and find most arts programs on the UNC-MX station. I can't say enough good things about public television!
I've been fiddling with some Caran d'Ache Neocolor crayons that I bought years ago in Asheville. I love finding new materials and experimenting, and it's easy to find some cool stuff at True Blue Art Supply in Asheville.
I've had these crayons for 2 or 3 years, and I've got my mind up to do a painting from photos taken during our trip to Italy. The following painting is in progress... I've worked on it for a few weeks in between working on my oil pastel pet portraits. These are some beautiful old buildings with some great colors!

And below is another painting of the same buildings from a different perspective. This painting is oil pastel:
I previously thought these pictures were painted from our visit to Florence. However, the dome in the background didn't fit in with the architecture of the Duomo. After some looking around on Google Maps, I figured out that these buildings are from our time in Rome! Photos were taken on the Tiber River near the Ponte Sisto. Amazing that you can get a street view to match photos you took years ago! See below GoogleMaps image that I was able to find...
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Hoping to finish this watercolor up in the next day or two and get back to some more pet portraits!